Senin, 20 Desember 2010

 lady antelbellum said "i'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all"....
i said "i'd rather feel nothing at all than being hurt"

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

indonesia vs filipina

garuda di pilipina di hatiku..hahhaaa
akhirnya indonesia masuk final yah..alhamdulilah....
anyway simon mcmenemy superduper coooollllll..
sedih juga liat wajah dia tadi..:'( gpp y simon....

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

when there was you and me

It's funny when you find yourself
Looking from the outside
I'm standing here but all I want
Is to be over there

Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen?
'Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care

I thought you were my fairy tale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
That's coming true

But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you

I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing
And when you smiled
You made me feel

Like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
And once upon a song

Now I know your not a fairy tale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star
Just don't come true

'Cause now even I can tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
'Cause I liked the view
When there was me and you

I can't believe
That I could be so blind
It's like you were floating
While I was falling
And I didn't mind

'Cause I liked the view
I thought you felt it too
When there was me and you

actually this is a song from vanessa hudgens..
i like the song...

let's talk about boys..

here are some guys i love...wish they were mine...i mean not all...maybe one of them..:)..*daydreamingonly..

can you imagine if one of them become yours???hahhahaa.....every girl in this world will be verrryyyy envy....

jessica hart we heart u.....

the style is soooo the sneakers,,,the  maxi dress,,,everything she wore...^^
anyway,,,do you think a small short people like me looking good in a maxi dress???????

see?????? another icon after alexa....


pada tau jack hanafi kan???ganteng ya...waktu nyanyi have i told you lately sweet...:):)

alexa style...

in love w alexa chung's style...simple but looking good..

kata orang luka akan hilang seiring berjalannya waktu..adakah cara membuktikannya selain menunggu???

sat nite???

huaaaa...this is my sat nite as a single??? anyway X...what exactly you are doing???it is hard to say but i really miss is hard for me to live my life without you..but i'll try to make it matter how hard we try...relationship never is true that people say love isn't enough....i've try my too..i am not ready for this..but i have's hard for me to know that someday we should pretending to not know each other...this is the hardest thing...from someone i love so much become someone i didn't even know...sometimes wondering...can i find another person to love??? it's hard to move on...if only i can freeze one moment in our life and just stay in that moment...maybe it will be better...3 years and this is the tragic..:'(...but people matter how sad it is...we should face....let's make a new start....i know there is a much better life out there i believe....

Senin, 20 September 2010

another wasting time..

ga tau mesti ngungkapin kata hari ini sgt mengecewakan..setelah sekian lama menunggu..masih tetap aja ga jelas...kenapa momon begitu plin plan dan menyebalkan...oke emg kami yg apa dia ga punya hati nurani lagi???sungguh aku ga pengen ngeliat ortuku sedih bisakah kali ini aku bisa membuat mereka tersenyum..kali ini aja...udah terlalu lama ku biarin mereka nunggu..kenapa aku cuma bisa bikin mereka kecewa....besok,,hanya bisa berharap keajaiban datang,,,dan aku sngat mengharapkan itu...GOD help me..TT

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

a little story name is eva i am 23 years old.(i hate to write this) keknya baru semalam pake baju sd lari2,,maen hujan,,maen karet..hehehe.....sekarang sudah tua trnyata dannnnnnn blm jadi apa2 di umurku yg segini..not even lulus kuliah....why??????of course sudah kelamaan....tentu ada hal yg sedikit (banyak) menghambat....tentu saja ini jadi masa2 yg paling ku benci....of course....aku harus ngecewain ortu...dan diri disangka uda krang lebih 9 bulan berlalu dengan ngelakuin apa2...sementara banyak org seusiaku uda menggapai mimpi least udah jadi "sesuatu"...but me???i dunno....gada kata yg bisa ngegambarin apa yg ku rsakan...huffftttttttt.....I HATE THIS.....tentu saja ada banyak dukungan dari ortu,,pacar,,teman2,,,adek,,,,tetap saja di hati ga enak....setiap kali mereka ngasi semangat setiap kali pula hatiku miris....kenapa aku ga bisa buat mereka bahagia....waw....aku baru tau buat org yg kita sayang kecewa itu hal yg paling menyakitkan.....blm lagi klo ada org yg nanyain dah kerja dimana???bla..bla....huftttt..pngen aja rasanya aku menenggelamkan diri ke sucks...tentu saja mengeluh menangis ga akan menyelesaikan masalah....apapun yg terjadi life must go on..altough it is hard to move on..but i should try....meski sulit memotivasi diri sndiri penting....aku cuma berharap suatu saat nanti aku bisa jadi yg terbaik dan bikin org2 yg aku syang bahagia....i wish someday......ada yg bilang ini semua cuma maslah wktu....roda itu berputar..yeah...dan aku di bawah sekarang.....:(

no idea

hmmmm...sebenarnya blm menemukan alasan yg pas buat nulis blog..aku emg suka baca2 blog orang...for example diana rikasari and kk sri seniorku di kampus...sebenarnya masih banyak blog lain tp cuma 2 blog itu yg sering aku pantengin...they have a great idea in making blog...diana dengan fashionnya dan kk sri dengan sejuta pengalaman kuliah di luar negeri...but me????i have no idea...but i reallly want to have one..ahahhaa...have to figure it out soon...=)